Hello, again bloggers and readers. Welcome to my new blog for tonight. Just wanted to take the time to say, WHAT"S UP AUTHORS! whether you are an indie like me or not, welcome, and thanks for taking the time to read. This blog I will try to shorten it this time. I am still writing and working like most people and I have started a new book. Now, if you have been reading my blogs, then you would remember a bit of what I am writing about. It is another horror book so sorry to all the scaredy cats and religious people, but at I am multi-genre so I will have other books that you may be interested in.
New Year- New Book Release
My next book will be out, God/yah willing next year in January. If I don't take myself out or if I am not dead, I do plan on coming out with this book. This book is part two of my Them Against Us novel. For the readers who don't know, Them Against Us is a fantasy horror book about foster children and how they have to actually fight back against not only caseworkers, but the whole town as most of the people in Clarkstown are a part of a satanic cult. This cult takes foster children and sacrifices them. Yes, it is that kind of book, but ONE of the main characters is a black native who knows how to fight back. So, he teaches his foster siblings how to do the same thing. It is a long book, but the few people that have read my book to THE END, loved the book. I have at least one fan for now.
The second series is about TWO of those characters from the first book. A brother and sister of Charlotte Roberts. Charlotte Roberts was the evil trifling foster mother. Now her niece and nephew have moved to CAPE COD in Massachusetts to live with their great-aunt Leonne who is a Haitian creole cook. They got to a new daycare only to deal with more sinister stuff. So, if you are interested, then keep checking my social media pages and my blogs. My new book will also be on my website. Now I do not have a date yet, so you will just have to be surprised.
MY WIP Progress
My new writing project is going well. I have written over a hundred pages. I believe I had written over 128 so far. Don't quote me on it. This new book is a POV about three women talking about their lives and their job as an accountant. And this is another horror book. After this one, I think I will do either a thriller, a short story, or a drama. These women all have financial problems and you would think they wouldn't since they are accountants, but people are people, right? Now I write at least a chapter or two a night but I handwrite by the day and week then I type it on the computer. Tulie-Bea is one of my main women characters. She is a black woman who is married to a disabled veteran and she is currently experiencing nightmares. The other character, Kadina is currently taking care of her mother and has a shopping problem. Her husband is estranged and she has put him out. Susan is the last main POV who is a white woman socialite with debt problems so, she cheats her way on the job.
This is where I am now. This book will be out in 2023 for sure.
Ray Screwniver- Indie Author (HORROR LOVERS)

I may not be the best author but I hope that people return the favor and help me. Now I read lots of books and Indie authors rarely get recognized so this is my way of helping other authors out. Since I have a website, I can review their book and help them that way. Now, this book is cool. I had left a review under my husband's name. I liked the stories a lot and thought they were very creative. I liked the story about the creature and the couple getting caught in the snow. It was good and he had some talent. I hope to write well like that. I would give it a good nine. Check it out horror lovers, it's FREE.
Lukonge M. Achilees- A Memoir

This Indie author is from Africa and has written a novel about his life and his hardships growing up. the war and what his family had to endure. He achieved great things and It reminds me of Trevor Noah- Born a Crime book. I read it at a book club and it was very similar to this book. He went to school and became a social worker. It took me a while to read this book but I am glad that I finished it. I wish the author great things to come. A great inspirational book.
Christian Green- Dead Awake Series - (ZOMBIE LOVERS)

This last indie book is a series. Written by a black man who is an author, I like a decent zombie book. The fact that it is a series is neat. I believe it is a novella, but I could be wrong since the story seems to be short. I liked the cover and I like the characters. It had a THE WALKING DEAD vibe to it. I liked the first story so far and now I am actually reading part two. So, this novel gets an eight out of ten mainly because there are sooooo many zombie books out. This story is unique though and I liked it.
I am still reading books but indie authors. If you are an indie author then let me know so I can read your book and review it. However, it has to be free I am not rolling in the money. Inflation is taking over. And make sure to do the same for my books will also be on the unlimited. Not all of them but some.
Anyway, take care readers and authors, and good night.