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The Birth Certificate Mystery Book Still Out! Movies That I Have Watched, Book Club Book & New Goals for September.

Welcome everyone this is a new blog for this week and I haven't been making blogs for a while. This is the blog I mainly write about to all of the readers, authors, bloggers, and more. Feel free to check this out and read what I posted. This month is again nothing too special but I have been working on a new book now. I'm still promoting my drama book, The Birth Certificate which is available on Amazon and my website.

This month I have been mainly just watching some movies, and writing down ideas for my next project. I'm also learning how to market and market all of my books. It's hard when money is tight but I believe in myself so I keep pushing. What drama style have you been reading? I'm still into my thriller books and I have read some so far and I have to say, I like them so far.


"But there is one thing that is keeping me going, and that's the person I see following me around sometimes. I don't know who he or she is or why they are following me and my parents. I don't know, but seeing them act paranoid gives me great pleasure. To see them stressed out and operating in fear." - Tyler Chapter Seventeen.

So there is another small glimpse of Tyler and his life. The book is another POV style with characters telling their side of the story. That is how I can describe it. The fact that Tyler loves the fact that his parents are stressed out over this stalker says volumes but why? You will never know unless you read the book. Tyler has a stressful home life I can tell you but you have to read the book to discover it. If you have purchased the Kindle Unlimited, then check it out. If not, then try to get a free trial for one. It is very valuable.


Book Club Month September 17th

This book was closed in August so I have read this book since then. We had our meeting and it was good because we talked about this book and how women back in the 19'30's were living and being treated. Sallie Kinkaid was an interesting character and it was based on a real woman. Her first name was Willie and that is all I remember. You would have to look her up in the book. So this book deals with a lot of patriarchal things and how Saliie didn't even inherit anything until all of the males in her family died off. It dealt with the issues of racism prohibition during poverty and wars over land and territory.

I loved the book and how brave Sallie was at the time. I also saw a glimpse of what we call women now, "PICK ME" women in that time a woman named Kat was so desperate that she married a bisexual man and she ended up giving her child away. Oh, it's a good book, and I encourage all women from all races especially pro-women to read this book. Hung the Moon is a saying and even though Sallie worshipped her father, he was never a good leader. None of the men in the book were leaders. They were just entitled. Sallie was the leader all along and that is usually how it is because leadership is a feminine trait.

This book will make you laugh and it will make you cry and mad all at the same time. Women have always been told that they are to serve only and not lead anything. Always give books a chance you never know what you will read.


The New Beetlejuice Movie 2024

So in the early month of September, I went to the movies and watched this. Oh, it was a good movie to me and it was very similar to the original one. All of the actors and actresses did a great job. I even loved some of the new editions. I loved the original movie and grew up watching the one from back in the 90's. Anyway, If you haven't checked this movie out, then give it a chance if and only if you are a Beetlejuice fan. I'm surprised they haven't come out with any dolls of this yet. Monster High did but not Barbie that I know of. I don't know what they are waiting on. So get to it doll makers.

There were also other horror movies that I saw like Winnie The Pooh Blood and Honey 2, and Imaginary which was kind of lame to me. Also, check out the new episode of From because it is back on, blog to you later folks, BYE!

Make sure to follow me on my Facebook Page at @tieteannaroddy, and check out my TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter-X.

Happy Reading and Blogging.

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